Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Canon's new 600exrt flashes ROCK!

Just your basic corporate portrait you say…. well what's different here is that I didn't lug thousands of dollars of Profoto strobes weighing what seems like a ton. I used just 3 Canon 600exrt flashes on this shoot. These are new radio transmitter flashes and I LOVE them! Three soft boxes and small light stands, this is the lightest kit I have ever owned. I like to shoot at wide apertures and these canon's allow me to do just that.


  1. very good. we have been building location kits from our 580/430s but it would be nice (someday) to have those units though!

  2. Very good and nice portrait. We have been building location kits from our 580s and 430s but it would be nice to have these units!
